Get to Know Me!

Firstly, if you are new here - WELCOME! This blog post will be a deeper dive into who I am as a person. So if you wish to get to know me a little bit better, then please keep on reading!

When I was a kid, I had NEVER imagined that I would be a business owner. Yet, here we are! It was a LOT easier than you’d imagine to start a business. Especially in my home state of Indiana. It didn’t necessarily cost a lot of money, but if you wanted a store front then that’s a COMPLETELY different story that I have no expertise in, haha! Maybe I was an odd child, but I never really thought about my future. All I knew was that I wanted to create art however I decided to do that. Over the years, it became clear that my ultimate goal was to be able to live freely, without the constraints of a corporate office and strict schedule. I found that I could have that free lifestyle if I became my own boss, so - yet again - here we are! I still have a long way to go, but if you would like to continue to follow me on this journey, then you have come to the right place! Not only am I going to use this website as my homebase for my shop and gallery, but it will eventually be home to my webcomic and other writing ventures. I hope to use this space as a creative hub for all things related to myself! That way, I won’t have to rely solely on any one social media site. As I state in my “About & Contact” page, I firmly believe humans are multifaceted beings who have multiple passions and interests. Why not utilize something such as my website to it’s full potential?

I discuss all things related to my life in this blog, these topics include mental health, spirituality, art, music, life updates, and more! Trigger warnings will be noted at the beginning of posts and in the headers, so be sure to check that out before you read ANY post!

As I stated above, if you wish to get to know me more, please continue to read on!

My name is Jennifer Belaskas. I was born and raised in Northwest Indiana and currently reside here (I will not pinpoint my exact location, of course ;] ). I’m in a beautiful, monogamous relationship with my partner Jake, and we have a 3 year old dog named Lady Whistledown. I have 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister.

I started to teach myself to draw when I discovered anime and manga for the first time. I was completely enamored with the stories and wanted to create some of my own. Around the same time, I discovered that I loved to read, and started writing stories myself. Over the years, I was told constantly by the adults in my life that, “art isn’t a real job,” so thinking I couldn’t, “make it,” as an artist, I juggled around a lot of different careers. I went from veterinarian to marine biologist to paleontologist to dog trainer to accountant and so much more. Wherever I moved towards next just didn’t feel right for me. I graduated high school not knowing what I wanted to do with my life as I’m sure a lot of teenagers/young adults feel. I never went to college, and somehow I ended up working at car dealerships and learned a lot of accounting skills. Currently, I am working as an Accounts Receivable clerk in a corporate company. It pays the bills but - ultimately - isn’t what I want. In 2021, I started to work on making my business a reality and later that year, I was finally able to publish my online store. Just one more step to being my own boss! It has been very challenging, but lots of fun at the same time!

Being my own boss is the ultimate goal, and having my online shop published was only one step. There’s more that I want to do and accomplish. Before 2023 started, I took a step back and reevaluated my life goals, and truly thought about what was next for myself creatively and career wise. I felt a little lost, so I thought about my abilities and what I truly wanted to accomplish. This year, I’m taking a break from commissions to focus on my webcomic and potential fiction book! Which was what I wanted to do ever since I was a kid. I’m really excited to finally be working on this, so keep an eye out for updates in the future!

Here are a few fun facts about me:

  • Half Hispanic and Half Irish

  • Pansexual

  • Witch and Neo-Pagan, I actively Practice Witchcraft and read Tarot

  • Plant Mom and Nature Lover

  • Thalassophile (Lover of the Sea & bodies of water)

  • Suffer from Depression, Anxiety, CPTSD and OBSESSED with Mental Health

  • Book Nerd

  • Animal Lover

Here are some things that I like:

  • Anime & Manga

  • Books (Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror)

  • Video Games

  • Roller skating & bike rides

  • Cartoons (Adult & Kid)


  • Astrology

  • Podcasts


  • Stuffed Animals

  • Flowers

  • The BEACH

  • Sharks

  • Dinosaurs & Monsters & Cryptids - OH MY!

Some things I don’t like:

  • Capitalism

  • The Patriarchy

  • Abusers & Narcissists

  • Olives

  • Winter & Cold Weather

  • Cooking

  • Rude people

The message that I want to get across is this: I am human.

So many times I’ve seen people try to fit themselves into a box. Or one singular niche. I’ve seen it all over social media, and it honestly irks me because humans don’t just fit into one box, one category. We have so many interests and hobbies and passions that we want to pursue and enjoy. More times than not, I see genuine people loose followers or connections just because they stray from their niche.

Not only do humans have multiple interests, but they are REAL beings with emotions and feelings. This is something I see a lot online: people seem to forget that there are faces behind the businesses, the social accounts. Society tells us that in order to succeed in business or in life, we need to push our emotions to the side and stomp all over the competition, but the message that I want to spread is the opposite. There is such a lack of emotion and compassion when it comes to business and workplaces, and I understand that people can take advantage of that, but more often than not I’ve seen some very positive results from being compassionate to others. With my platform, I want to show the world that it’s possible to be compassionate and run a successful business.

I want to show people that it’s okay to have rough days and show your emotions. That it’s okay to take a break when you need it. That you don’t need to conform to society’s standards to be successful and recognized for your work.

With this blog, I hope to show people what being vulnerable really means. That there’s value in being honest and upfront about your struggles as a human being. As well as a place to share my thoughts and feelings on certain things. If you have read this far - thank you! I appreciate you and anyone else who cares enough to read through my ramblings.


Love Is A Choice