Who Am I?

I am more than just an artist.

I am…

  • An Artist

  • A Witch

  • A Thalassophile

  • A Roller-skater

  • An Animal Lover

  • And so much more…

One thing that I love to preach is that I am human. I am a human being with multiple passions and interests. Art isn’t my only avenue for being creative, and I will use my platforms to create in however way I wish. It’s okay to focus on more than just one subject of your interests! Shout from the rooftops who you are and never be afraid to do so!

Chalk-A-Lot 2014

A Little Bit of History

I grew up in Northwest Indiana, just south of Chicago, Illinois. I have always loved the arts and have dabbled in all forms, including writing, painting, and music playing. Before I took the pen to paper to create art (back when I was just an elementary schooler), I was writing whole books on my ancient, desktop computer. I created whole universes and characters with interesting backstories and personalities.

However, everything changed when I was introduced to anime and manga! I wanted to bring my stories to life with images, just like the media I was consuming, and so I started to draw. I drew on everything from my school notebooks, copy paper, sketchbooks, and even MS Paint! After high school, I dived into other mediums of art and have continued to develop my skill ever since.

Learn More About Me!

Today I live with my partner and currently have a day job working at an office that's near my home in NWI. When I'm not working on art, you can catch me roller skating or playing video games. I'm a witch who's fascinated with the occult and have various magick and spiritual practices. I love all kinds of music but my favorite genres are hard rock and alternative. The beach is my happy place, and I love to go swimming often during the summer months. I love watching anime, reading books, and taking photos, specifically in nature.

My Current Studio

Materials Used

  • an iPad Air 2019 model with an Apple Pencil

  • Procreate

  • Dell XPS Laptop

  • Your average pen and paper

Contact Me

You can send an email to: jenbelaskas.art@gmail.com - button below

All social links are provided below

If you have any questions or generally want to reach out, please use the submission form provided.